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Healing sexual recovery – Tantra Healing

Tantra Healing work: Working to release sexual repression and reawaken sensitivity There are two main obstacles to experiencing Bliss. One is the many layers of…

Tantra Healing work: Working to release sexual repression and reawaken sensitivity

There are two main obstacles to experiencing Bliss.

One is the many layers of associations, mental symbols we hold between ourselves and the sexual experience. In other words, he’s screwing a Hollywood fantasy. She’s making love to a a guitar, a Harley Davidson or a huge diamond. Being female, possibly a combination of all three.

The other is the “body memory” of past trauma and the resulting hypersensitivity (body armouring) or lost sensitivity, numbness. This is caused by many things, from Spock’s potty training methods to circumcision and molestation. It is the physical manifestation of the mental attitude to sexuality, which is in turn mostly due to wrong mental associations.

There’s a built in cure. Nature provides the mechanism for healing – your eroticism. Your eroticism draws you towards experiences that have healing potential for you. That can reawaken memories, evoke the re-experiencing of events, traumas that you have suppressed.

Taken with awareness, your sexual experience can become transcendent. Encouraging this is the work of a Tantrika, a Dakini. She’s a scary blend of goddess, harpy and muse. Her love of you – the you behind your mind’s masks – is total and unswerving. Her ruthlessness with your mind/ego – with your fantasies in the way of the truth – is absolute.

A Dakini is conscious with her own sexuality, and teaches you how to become conscious with yours. Key repressions are revealed and the attendant body armouring is gently removed.

The process requires a deep trust and willingness to experience intimacy.

This trust is akin to the trust required with any healer. She knows what she’s doing, what’s required. You need to trust the unfolding of your process.

Tantra isn’t for everyone. True, everyone can benefit by approaching sex with more awareness, more sensitivity, but the psychologically powerful energies of tantric practice are not for dabblers. If you want to (continue to) take your ego seriously, forget it.

Commitment is vital, and the mental flexibility of a true seeker. If you are genuinely drawn to this work, you’ll know.

Healing Sessions with Dakini / Daka

Sessions can involve nudity, massage, intimacy and ecstasy. 
Participants must be drug and alcohol free for at least 24 hours preceding the session.

• Techniques similar to massage, bodywork and reiki are used to address the effects of repression in the body and chakras.
• Lost sensitivity is restored as body armouring is gently removed.
• Awareness in and of your sexuality is encouraged with meditation techniques.

A consultation, to get an idea of your experience, and which areas of work you require is arranged, I will answer your questions about tantra, and what practices would best benefit you.
In these sessions, your Kundalini energy is encouraged, and the blockages to it’s flow are eased, or temporarily bypassed.

This helps you to identify your blocks as the Dakini facilitates your identifying and continuing with your own healing work. The Dakini uses a combination of touch and energy work, similar to Bodywork, Reiki and Chi Gung. Details of the healing work depend on the client’s repressions, and how they present in the body armouring.

You are responsible for your own movement and healing work – whatever we, or anyone else does to help, it’s your life, your journey. You can only work effectively with a Dakini if you have a sincerity, a trust, a willingness to take her “medicine” and go where it takes you.

There’s no dogma, no belief system required. We work with methods, not ideas. You may think of your sexuality as a compartment, an area of your life. It isn’t. It’s the source, in an energetic and physical sense, of your life energy. Working with it, releasing it, healing it has deep and profound effects on the whole of your life.

The Dakini, like any healing practitioner, diagnoses, treats, prescribes and recommends what her intuition, training and experience indicate is right for you. She reserves the right to discontinue working with you, particularly if you don’t follow her recommendations.

The appropriate and archetypically correct approach, attitude to a Dakini is devotion. The same as an artist’s, a poet’s devotion to his Muse. Working with sexual energy is unavoidably intense emotionally, psychologically. It is not necessary to the process that you “like it”. You are asking someone to help you wake up, and to use perhaps the most powerful methods known to do it. It will be intense, deliberately shattering to mindset and ego, but lovingly supportive of you, the beyond-ego, essential you.

Part of a Dakini’s freedom is that in her world, love is a natural phenomenon. The most natural phenomenon. It can’t be any other way – Existence itself is Love.

A large part of the work she does with you is called “opening the heart”. This is best done with a sharp bladed weapon. Strike firmly, with a spirit of – whoops that bit’s for the Dakini’s self defence page – let’s start over.

A large part of the work she does with you is called “opening the heart”. This expands your ability to experience love. Constrictions based in your judgments, preconceptions and fears will be evoked, exposed to your conscious awareness and transcended. Whatever it takes.

Love does hurt, though when it does, it’s still undeniably love. Meditation techniques to help you move through this will be recommended. Running (30 minutes minimum), hitting a punch bag, strangling or even raping a pillow, dancing (without e) are also highly recommended for emotional release. It’s daunting, facing the fear of opening your heart, falling in love, deeply, without a safety net. The Dakini is not seducing you into loving her. She’s seducing you into loving existence itself. She stands in for and makes the Goddess available.

If you are in a sexually exclusive relationship, and both interested, sessions with a male (Daka) or female (Dakini) or both, can be arranged. They will lovingly guide you to blissful discoveries with each other, and introduce you to healing techniques which you can practice together.

If you are new to tantra, we will usually recommend that you start with some group work. If you’ve already done group or lots of individual work and don’t find what’s said here confusing, just get in touch, and let your bliss begin.

If you believe you are called to this work, have a flowing, natural sexuality, and are willing, selflessly to support others to their bliss, you may be interested in the training at Red Lotus Tantra.

Private Tantra Sessions

Gentleman’s Tantra Bliss

These sessions focus on Tantric foundation and practices and integrates a holistic approach to relationships and sexuality.  The art of conscious loving and sacred sex is a beautiful way to connect with your partner on all levels— spiritually, emotionally and physically—to build more intimacy and closeness into your relationship. Sex and blissful orgasms are only one component to the teachings of Tantra: it encompasses, love, touch, pleasure, trust, closeness, nurturing, communication, giving and receiving—all the essential ingredients to a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Tantric Full Body Sensual Massage:  is a sensually erotic experience.

Surrendering to pleasure for pleasures sake and experiencing being completely present, immersed in deepest states of relaxation whilst building sexual energy to peaks and waves throughout the body. Tantric massage is a wonderful tool to bring more pleasure and intimacy into love-making, to be used as part of foreplay or simply as a time-out experience with no expectations other than to be indulged, nurtured and loved. When we learn to surrender to pleasure, we also heal and energize. Sensual touch is one of the most beautiful experiences we can give to the body, mind and soul.

The Art of Lingam Massage

Pressure to provide, perform and perfect block the flow of energy creating blockages that sometimes take the form of sexual dysfunction.  Ridding the body and mind of anxiety, this experience is entirely for your pleasure. Once the body is nourished and relaxed, the focus is drawn to the first and second Chakras. According to Tantric philosophy the area of the male G-spot/prostate gland are the energetic access point for Kundalini energy that leads to enlightenment.

Many emotional and psychological issues may be stored in this part of the body dealing with abuse, abandonment and/or rejection.  Survival, security, finance, and commitment reside in the Muladhara or root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. When this area is stimulated and released it will greatly increase your capacity to feel pleasure and sensation.

Experiences may vary when accessing this emotional well in the body. Full-body orgasms often occur; and other times an emotional release followed by immense pleasure will overwhelmingly fill the body and senses.  Effects from this experience can last a few minutes, a few hours, or a lifetime…  it’s that powerful!  A safe environment and a dedicated partner and guide will support you during your journey.

Goddess Tantra Bliss

Support for women to facilitate healing, sexual awakening, self-awareness, expansion, empowerment, liberation, and integration through Tantra.

If you are a women seeking expansion of power and pleasure in your life to create the bliss you deserve. Release pent-up emotions, express, reprogram and prepare for your beloved. Awaken your kundalini. Free the female ejaculate. Develop communication skills to attract and maintain that dream relationship.

Learn how you can experience your full sexual potential with multiple and extended orgasms.  Reclaim your Divine Goddess power as you unleash long repressed energies.  Learn how to help men transcend their patriarchal programming and join you as you lovingly lead them back to equality and true partnership.  Sessions are Educational, informative, sensitive sessions customized to meet your needs.

Couples Tantra Bliss

These sessions focus on Tantric foundation and practices and integrates a holistic approach to relationships and sexuality.  The art of conscious loving and sacred sex is a beautiful way to connect with your partner on all levels— spiritually, emotionally and physically—to build more intimacy and closeness into your relationship. Sex and blissful orgasms are only one component to the teachings of Tantra: it encompasses, love, touch, pleasure, trust, closeness, nurturing, communication, giving and receiving—all the essential ingredients to a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Sessions available in Vancouver, BC Canada, Skype Sessions also available. Please contact Olivia Jade for about scheduling a session.

Advanced booking is ALWAYS appreciated so I can schedule/prepare for our sacred session!  I lead a busy and balanced life with lots of pleasure and joy. I wish the same for you!

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